Lab 6: Market Basket Analysis

In this session, we will continue to explore the ‘BreadBasket’ data and ‘grocery’ data introduced in the lecture. Then we also perform the market basket analysis with a new dataset.

Exercise 1

Recall the following code that was used to visualize transactions per weekday in the tutorials above.

Let’s load the following packages first:

library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling
library(lubridate) # work with dates and times

Remember that ‘BreadBasket_DMS1.csv’ is the updated one from the original data ‘BreadBasket_DMS.csv’ by removing NAs.

trans_csv <- read.csv('BreadBasket_DMS.csv', sep=",")

trans_csv <- trans_csv[trans_csv$Item!="NONE",]
## [1] 20507     4
## [1] 94
### Run the below commented lines to generate 'BreadBasket_DMS1.csv'
# write.csv(trans_csv, "BreadBasket_DMS1.csv", row.names=F)
# trans <- read.transactions("BreadBasket_DMS1.csv", format="single", cols=c(3,4), 
#                            sep=",", rm.duplicates=TRUE)

We can visualise transactions per weekday with the following code:

# Visualization - Transactions per weekday
trans_csv %>%
  mutate(WeekDay=as.factor(weekdays(as.Date(Date)))) %>% #date converted to weekdays
  group_by(WeekDay) %>%
  summarise(Transactions=n_distinct(Transaction)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=WeekDay, y=Transactions)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="peachpuff2", 
           show.legend=FALSE, colour="black") +
  geom_label(aes(label=Transactions)) +
  labs(title="Transactions per weekday") +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday",
                            "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday")) +

Task 1

The store manager is interested in knowing the month and the hour when sales is highest so that they can deploy staff to optimise marketing strategies, boost sales and improve customer experience. Modify the code above to visualize transactions per month and per hour, and comment on your observation.

Solution to Task 1
Click for solution

# Visualization - Transactions per month
trans_csv %>%
  mutate(Month=as.factor(month(Date))) %>% #converts dates to months
  group_by(Month) %>%
  summarise(Transactions=n_distinct(Transaction)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Month, y=Transactions)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="mistyrose2", 
           show.legend=FALSE, colour="black") +
  geom_label(aes(label=Transactions)) +
  labs(title="Transactions per month") +

Majority of the transactions (2140) took place in November whereas 175 transactions took place in October (the least for the year).

# Visualization - Transactions per hour
trans_csv %>%
  mutate(Hour=as.factor(hour(hms(Time)))) %>%
  group_by(Hour) %>%
  summarise(Transactions=n_distinct(Transaction)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Hour, y=Transactions)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", fill="steelblue1", show.legend=FALSE, colour="black") +
  geom_label(aes(label=Transactions)) +
  labs(title="Transactions per hour") +

Majority of the transactions (1439) took place at 11am in the morning.

Exercise 2

We have used the apriori algorithm in the lecture to analyse the ‘Grocery data’ (data is inbuilt in the arules package), where we supplied the support and confidence that is required to generate the association rules. The result shows that there are 9835 transactions (rows) and 169 items (columns).

The task in this exercise requires you to reproduce the results in the table below without using the apriori function in arules package.

lhs rhs support confidence coverage lift count
citrus fruit,root vegetables other vegetables 0.010 0.59 0.018 3.0 102
tropical fruit,root vegetables other vegetables 0.012 0.58 0.021 3.0 121 .

These results are taken from the lecture note.

In the exercise, you are required to read the Groceries data into R using readLines() function. It is advisable that you load the data from the groceries.csv file on Blackboard or directly from the internet as follows:

grocery.text <- readLines("")

Task 2a

Compute the 1) support, 2) coverage, 3) confidence and 4) lift for the rule: {citrus fruit, root vegetables} \(\Rightarrow\) {other vegetables}.

*Hint: To be able to count the number of times a transaction occur in a database, you will need a function to detect string variable. This can be obtained from the stringr package. To help you to understand, a string is a sequence of characters and we represent strings using double (e.g. “Hello”) or single (e.g. ‘Hello’) quotes in R.

Consider a scenario where we are interested in the number of times item {A} alone and items {A, B} appear in a database. You can use the following syntax to count the number of transactions for each case:*


sum(str_detect(grocery.text, "A")) 
## [1] 84
sum(str_detect(grocery.text, "A") & str_detect(grocery.text, "B"))
## [1] 14

Solution to Task 2a
Click for solution

#{citrus fruit,root vegetables} => {other vegetables}
######## Support
a_supp = sum((str_detect(grocery.text, "citrus fruit") &
                str_detect(grocery.text, "root vegetables")) &
               str_detect(grocery.text, "other vegetables"))
## [1] 102
## [1] 0.01037112
######## Coverage: support for the antecedent
a_cov = sum((str_detect(grocery.text, "citrus fruit") & str_detect(grocery.text, "root vegetables")))
## [1] 174
## [1] 0.01769192
######## Confidence
# The confidence that shopper who bought citrus fruit & root vegetables will buy other vegetables is

a_conf = a_supp/a_cov
## [1] 0.5862069
######## Lift- the ratio between X and Y together and X and Y independently.
# We need support of X and Y = a_supp; support of X = a_cov and support of Y

y_supp = sum(str_detect(grocery.text, "other vegetables"))/9835

a_lift = a_supp/(a_cov * y_supp)
## [1] 3.029608

Task 2b

Similarly, compute the 1) support, 2) coverage, 3) confidence and 4) lift for the rule: {tropical fruit,root vegetables} \(\Rightarrow\) {other vegetables}.

Solution to Task 2b
Click for solution

######## Support
b_supp = sum((str_detect(grocery.text, "tropical fruit") &
                str_detect(grocery.text, "root vegetables")) &
               str_detect(grocery.text, "other vegetables"))
## [1] 121
## [1] 0.012303
######## Coverage: support for the antecedent
b_cov = sum((str_detect(grocery.text, "tropical fruit") & str_detect(grocery.text, "root vegetables")))
## [1] 207
## [1] 0.02104728
######## Confidence
# The confidence that shopper who bought tropical fruit & root vegetables will buy other vegetables is

b_conf = b_supp/b_cov
## [1] 0.5845411
######## Lift

by_supp = sum(str_detect(grocery.text, "other vegetables"))/9835

b_lift = b_supp/(b_cov * by_supp)
## [1] 3.020999

Exercise 3

Consider the Market Basket Optimisation data set, which is publicly available HERE. The data set contains 7501 transaction records where every record consists of the list of items sold in just one transaction.

Task 3a

Determine the correct way of reading this data into R using read.transactions(). A copy of the data Market_Basket_Optimisation.csv can be downloaded from Blackboard.

Solution 3a
Click for solution

The key part of this task is to use format = “basket”. We use this format when each line in the transaction data file represents a transaction where the items (item labels) are separated by the characters specified by sep.

trans <- read.transactions('Market_Basket_Optimisation.csv', format="basket",
                           sep=",", rm.duplicates=TRUE)
## distribution of transactions with duplicates:
## 1 
## 5
## transactions as itemMatrix in sparse format with
##  7501 rows (elements/itemsets/transactions) and
##  119 columns (items) and a density of 0.03288973 
## most frequent items:
## mineral water          eggs     spaghetti  french fries     chocolate 
##          1788          1348          1306          1282          1229 
##       (Other) 
##         22405 
## element (itemset/transaction) length distribution:
## sizes
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16 
## 1754 1358 1044  816  667  493  391  324  259  139  102   67   40   22   17    4 
##   18   19   20 
##    1    2    1 
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   1.000   2.000   3.000   3.914   5.000  20.000 
## includes extended item information - examples:
##              labels
## 1           almonds
## 2 antioxydant juice
## 3         asparagus

The first five transactions can be obtained via the code below.

items <- readLines('Market_Basket_Optimisation.csv', n=5)
## [1] "shrimp,almonds,avocado,vegetables mix,green grapes,whole weat flour,yams,cottage cheese,energy drink,tomato juice,low fat yogurt,green tea,honey,salad,mineral water,salmon,antioxydant juice,frozen smoothie,spinach,olive oil"
## [2] "burgers,meatballs,eggs"                                                                                                                                                                                                         
## [3] "chutney"                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
## [4] "turkey,avocado"                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
## [5] "mineral water,milk,energy bar,whole wheat rice,green tea"

Here we will follow the analysis done in Workshop: MBA but with a different data. We will find the best combination of support and confidence to uncover reasonable rules. Also we will identify redundant rules, if any.

Task 3b

Find the item that is the most frequently bought.

Solution 3b
Click for solution

# Absolute Item Frequency Plot
itemFrequencyPlot(trans, topN=15, type="absolute", col = "wheat2", xlab="Item name", 
                  ylab="Frequency (absolute)", main="Absolute Item Frequency Plot")

Task 3c

Now we are going to try various combinations of support and confidence values simultaneously to determine the type of rule we are happy to entertain in our model.

# Support and confidence values
supportLevels <- c(0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005)
confidenceLevels <- seq(0.9, 0.1, by=-0.05)

Revisit the R code used in Workshop: MBA and choose the appropriate combination of support and confidence levels.

Solution 3c
Click for solution

# Empty integers
rules_sup10 <- integer(length=9)
rules_sup5 <- integer(length=9)
rules_sup1 <- integer(length=9)
rules_sup0.5 <- integer(length=9)

# Apriori algorithm with a support level of 10%
for (i in 1:length(confidenceLevels)) {
  rules_sup10[i] <- length(apriori(trans, parameter=list(sup=supportLevels[1],
                                                         conf=confidenceLevels[i], target="rules")))

# Apriori algorithm with a support level of 5%
for (i in 1:length(confidenceLevels)){
  rules_sup5[i] <- length(apriori(trans, parameter=list(sup=supportLevels[2],
                                                        conf=confidenceLevels[i], target="rules")))

# Apriori algorithm with a support level of 1%
for (i in 1:length(confidenceLevels)){
  rules_sup1[i] <- length(apriori(trans, parameter=list(sup=supportLevels[3],
                                                        conf=confidenceLevels[i], target="rules")))

# Apriori algorithm with a support level of 0.5%
for (i in 1:length(confidenceLevels)){
  rules_sup0.5[i] <- length(apriori(trans, parameter=list(sup=supportLevels[4],
                                                          conf=confidenceLevels[i], target="rules")))
# Data frame
num_rules <- data.frame(rules_sup10, rules_sup5, rules_sup1, rules_sup0.5, confidenceLevels)
##    rules_sup10 rules_sup5 rules_sup1 rules_sup0.5 confidenceLevels
## 1            0          0          0            0             0.90
## 2            0          0          0            0             0.85
## 3            0          0          0            0             0.80
## 4            0          0          0            0             0.75
## 5            0          0          0            0             0.70
## 6            0          0          0            0             0.65
## 7            0          0          0            1             0.60
## 8            0          0          0            5             0.55
## 9            0          0          2           20             0.50
## 10           0          0          6           41             0.45
## 11           0          0         18           91             0.40
## 12           0          0         31          148             0.35
## 13           0          2         63          261             0.30
## 14           0          4         95          395             0.25
## 15           1          7        164          599             0.20
## 16           5         11        232          802             0.15
## 17           7         13        316         1066             0.10

# Number of rules found with a support level of 10%, 5%, 1% and 0.5%
ggplot(data=num_rules, aes(x=confidenceLevels)) +
  # Plot line and points (support level of 10%)
  geom_line(aes(y=rules_sup10, colour="Support level of 10%")) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=rules_sup10, colour="Support level of 10%")) +
  # Plot line and points (support level of 5%)
  geom_line(aes(y=rules_sup5, colour="Support level of 5%")) +
  geom_point(aes(y=rules_sup5, colour="Support level of 5%")) +
  # Plot line and points (support level of 1%)
  geom_line(aes(y=rules_sup1, colour="Support level of 1%")) + 
  geom_point(aes(y=rules_sup1, colour="Support level of 1%")) +
  # Plot line and points (support level of 0.5%)
  geom_line(aes(y=rules_sup0.5, colour="Support level of 0.5%")) +
  geom_point(aes(y=rules_sup0.5, colour="Support level of 0.5%")) +
  # Labs and theme
  labs(x="Confidence levels", y="Number of rules found", 
       title="Apriori algorithm with different support levels") +
  theme_bw() +

Here we might choose support = 0.01 and confidence = 0.25. This will generate less than 100 rules.

Task 3d

Fit the model with the chosen combination of support and confidence level then inspect the first five rules. Check if there is any redundant rules.

Solution 3d
Click for solution

# Apriori algorithm execution with a support level of 1% and a confidence level of 25%
rules_sup1_conf25 <- apriori(trans, parameter=list(supp=0.01, 
                                                   conf=0.25, minlen=2, target="rules"))
## Apriori
## Parameter specification:
##  confidence minval smax arem  aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen
##        0.25    0.1    1 none FALSE            TRUE       5    0.01      2
##  maxlen target  ext
##      10  rules TRUE
## Algorithmic control:
##  filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
##     0.1 TRUE TRUE  FALSE TRUE    2    TRUE
## Absolute minimum support count: 75 
## set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
## set transactions ...[119 item(s), 7501 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
## sorting and recoding items ... [75 item(s)] done [0.00s].
## creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
## checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 done [0.00s].
## writing ... [95 rule(s)] done [0.00s].
## creating S4 object  ... done [0.00s].
## set of 95 rules

We now inspect the first five rules.

#Inspect association rules
##     lhs              rhs             support    confidence coverage   lift    
## [1] {cereals}     => {mineral water} 0.01026530 0.3989637  0.02572990 1.673729
## [2] {red wine}    => {spaghetti}     0.01026530 0.3649289  0.02812958 2.095966
## [3] {red wine}    => {mineral water} 0.01093188 0.3886256  0.02812958 1.630358
## [4] {avocado}     => {mineral water} 0.01159845 0.3480000  0.03332889 1.459926
## [5] {fresh bread} => {mineral water} 0.01333156 0.3095975  0.04306093 1.298820
##     count
## [1]  77  
## [2]  77  
## [3]  82  
## [4]  87  
## [5] 100

The following codes show that there is no redundant rule.

# redundant rules
redundant_rules25 <- is.redundant(rules_sup1_conf25)
##    Mode   FALSE 
## logical      95